Thursday, January 22, 2009

Its A Matter Of Attitude

Ever since my return to the U.S., I had flipped to a new page in my life. I had resolved that there was no point about being melancholic about life. At one point in my life, I used to embrace melancholy, just as this mysterious feeling would envelop the literature of Pamuk and Poe. A multitude of homesickness, detatchment from society, a profound chasm with reality had all led me to dig a hole in my life and hide in it. I found myself losing self confidence and morale.

What was perpetuating all of this? After some introspection, I realized that it was just a matter of attitude. I was taking life a tad bit too seriously. I was like a scholar who was driven by dissatisfaction with the status quo and who was on a mission to seclude himself from everything to learn about life in the books. Well, I realized that theory doesn't always convert to practice. This whole time, I was look at the empty half of the cup.

I realized that there is no need to keep searching for the answers to the questions of life any more. This may sound tremendously cliche, but if you look deep into your heart, your will find all that you seek. Each of us has a part of God inside us, and only ultimate bliss can originate from the source. There is a natural balance of happiness in life. What you lack in one aspect of life will inevitably show up in another part of life, so its better to just look at the bright side of things. It is unfortunate that there are somethings beyond our control, but all we can do is improve our present state of life and not necessarily stretch ourselves too thin by concerning ourselves with the problems of the world. Just seek for internal peace and you will achieve it.

Now that I have come to terms, the only thing that's left is to transform myself for someone who's trying to keep myself from melancholy to one who can sublimate his newfound bliss to prosperity, success, and glory. I think its like a rebirth. Once you start having faith, hope and motivation, a lot will change...its sort of the butterfly effect. Its a matter of appreciating what you have.

1 comment:

C* said...

i have an adorable star shaped bookmark & it has a message on it says that: "all the wonders that you seek are within yourself"