Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Choke's really got me choking!

The only quote that springs to mind when I endeavor to describe this movie is one that has always stuck to mind from Nasser that is profoundly philosophical on such a petty topics. “The genius of you Americans is that you never make clear-cut stupid moves, only complicated stupid moves which make the rest of us wonder at the possibility that we might be missing something." How relevant Nasser's occupation is to the subject matter is not of my concern, but it is very true. Hollywood has succeeded in shaping what is "normal" in a society. Vulgar sex, moronic drunkness, and the free will of insulting what may be very sacred to others has come to define the film industry nowadays. It seems as if the word "taboo" has come to vanish from the American dictionary. I am not conservative nor close-minded, but the movie I have just seen was revolted even though it received a stand ovation. Serina, a friend at UVa offered for me to tag a long and after hesitating, I succumbed to her peer pressure. We grabbed two salads to munch on while at the movies. Since this was a advanced pre-screening, we were checked by metal detectors so that we wouldn't film it. I got in with my video cellphone anyways. The plot was ridiculous that I won't even bother to go in depth about it. The movie is about a sad, low life, sex addict who is has a weird relationship with all the women in the movies. His flashbacks and sick day dreams pop up throughout the movies. The movie makes it seem as if it is quite normal for us to feel such random animalistic impulses. I personally ate away at my salad throughout most of the movie just to avoid exposing myself to such ugliness. I don't if I'm the weirdo, but I am the only one who doesn't fantasize about these kind of things all the time? Sure I'm a guy, but I guess I have self respect for myself, others, and ethics. Isn't that what makes us different than animals? Anyways, I can't seem to understand why such movies must have such twisted, trivial plots, and receive such acclaim? Both Serina and I were very disturbed by what we'd seen; I know that I'll end up with nightmares for the next couple of nights, but the fact that I realized how screwed up that movie was reassures me that I'm sane and normal, unlike most of the other viewers. Anyways, back to my Zen green tea and trail and books. Oh yea, and may be its good idea to grab a salad whenever going to a movie from now on to dig into for censorship :)

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