Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Cairo College Life in 1957

For some reason, I adore black and white photographs. Maybe its just the old timer in me who craves anything vintage, but more specifically, I think it is the feeling in me that yearns to have been born in a different, more romantic time period. I like to see how older generations at my age would dress and behave. I like to imagine what it would be like if I lived among them.

I was blog surfing today when I stumbled upon a priceless collection of vintage black and white photo series on a fellow blogger's page, The Egyptian Chronicles. I just spent hours listening to Umm Kalthoum and browsing through photos of Cairo, King Farouk, and Nasser. This is the first comprehensive collection of photographs that trace Egypt's history in black and white. But what struck me out of the collection was bunch of photos students at the American University in Cairo. I studied for one semester at the AUC in the summer of 2007 and enjoyed it tremendously. I would have to go to the extent of saying that it was the highlight of my college career thus far.Honestly, I could spend days just swaying my head to Umm Kalthoum or Abdel Halim Hafez's music and flipping through these photos as if they were a reminder of my past generation. Anyways, I hope you can enjoy the couple I've posted here and those on the Egyptian Chronicles page. Here, I just post the ones that truly intrigued me about college life in Egypt back then.


Omar said...

I think it is the feeling in me that yearns to have been born in a different, more romantic time period.

I feel like there was someone just like you in 1957 thinking the exact same thing :). Thanks for the pictures.

Mostafa said...

It might just be relativity that makes me feel that way, but doesn't it feel that life nowadays is more mundane than ever?

Omar said...

it really does.