Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The Law of Attraction & The Secret

I just finished watching The Secret, recommended to me by friend, whom I have always found to be blissful, optimistic, and hopeful. Although I was always a true believer that life should be lived in accordance with the philosophies of the ancients, I was content to watch such a motivational movie. The secret is essentially based on the Law of Attraction, which claims that the power of the mind is insurmountable. Simply put, the idealistic notion behind this law is that man becomes what he thinks about and that we should spend the majority of our time thinking about what we desire. The universe supposedly works in mysterious ways to deliver what we ask of it. All that is required of us is to feel and think about such desires. The trick is to always remain grateful, be positive, and visualize what we desire.

Essentially the steps of the Law Of Attraction are broken down into three steps:
1. Ask- Know what you want and ask the universe for it.
2. Believe- Feel and behave as if the object you desire is on its way.
3. Receive- Be open to receiving it.

Personally, I felt like The Secret had a very existentialist connotation to it. It goes along with the lines that we are solely responsible for achieving our happiness and that God exists but he is merely waiting for us to determine our destiny. Additionally, it advocates being blissful and that searching for bliss is man's mission in life, which I agree with wholeheartedly. It also mentions that we are essentially made up of energy, just like every other creation in this universe and that we must merely focus on attracting it. What it comes down to is that our thoughts determine our reality whether we are conscious or unconscious of it. I believe the basic premises of this theory are a positive augmentation to anyone's outlook on life and should definitely be practiced. I also feel that we are innately born knowing all of the postulates of this theory, so the whole conspiracy that this secret was kept from humanity is a bit exaggerated for me. But all in all, I like the positivity aspect it advocates.


Dalaiama said...


I've read this post ten days ago.
Today I finally decided to comment in your blog.
I don't know why you linked my blog in your bloglist, but I felt honoured. Thanks :)

Some months ago I discovered your blog. Since then I sometimes visit it. You know, my english is very basic, but as I understand you have a very intelectual way of writing, rich vocabulary, correct grammar,... things I admire. It's a pitty my english is not so good to be able to understand clearly everything you write.

Keep on! ;)

Mark Ty-Wharton said...

Great post, you are at the beginning of a wonderful journey. Your super computer will guide you :)

Mostafa said...

Dear Dalaiama,

I know that this response is abysmally belated but I just wanted to thank you tremendously for your kind words. I was browsing through my blog and found your comments. They really motivated me to get back to writing. Its always an honor to know that someone takes the time to read my work.


Dalaiama said...

Wish you all the best!