Saturday, November 22, 2008

Poking, the new blogging tradition.

So I've just got the latest piece of advice from my blogging guru. C* just taught me a blogging tradition, i.e. poking. So I'm testing this out, so hopefully I'm doing the tradition correctly. The tradition is that someone pokes you and you write about a specific issue. So the issue of the day is to write about what I have in my fridge and mp3 player. Well, let's have a look.

My fridge seems to contain soy milk, rice milk, California dates, grapes, Morrocan hummus, garlic hummus, vanilla yogurt, Swiss cheese, pepper jack cheese, walnuts, and thats pretty much it, but that's because I haven't gone shopping in a while because of the cold...

As for what's in my mp3, hmm... A lot! But let me give you a sample: Hed Kandi, Mozart, Justice, Gotan Project, Seal, Paul Van Dyk, Coldplay, Gipsy Kings, Paco Pena, Manu Chao, Bach, Juanes, Aventura, Niyaz, Wax Poetic, Henri Mancini, Candan Ercetin, Kaskade, Cafe Del Mar, Fujiya & Miyaga...

But by far the most played song on the mp3 is Lilac Wine by Jeff Buckley;)


C* said...

you should be call me as C*
i don't use my own name on the bloggers world=)

Omar said...

Very eclectic. Do you use ?

Mostafa said...

My apologies, C*.
Will make sure to change right away:)

Mostafa said...

Hmm, as for, I've never heard of it. It looks to me like though. My mp3 list is a compilation of music from different friends from different places. Every time I find a friend with a playlist that's akin to my taste, I download what I can and that's what you get...everything from Hed Kandi to Henri Mancini..hehe...but thank you though eclecticism is something I strive for.

C* said...

thanks for the change but i couldn't accept your precious comment on my post bec. of the same reason. at the end of the comment u used my "real" name=)
please accept my apologises.
by the way lastfm is also very popular in Turkey=)

bRc said...

wax poetic!
I like wax poetic, too. May be because I had invited you to the wax poetic concert at Sortie :)